First of all, though i'm all for just not showing up, and I agree that just taking a sip of wine and bite of cracker at the KH is probably the most effective way to protest, that may not be Kpop's way. Just because he doesn't do it the way you do it doesn't mean he isn't taking a stand.
Secondly, i personally know of several people whose awakening was in fact, initiated by some sort of demonstration at the Memorial or convention. No, they didn't instantly see the light, but it did plant a seed of doubt in their minds that got them to start asking themselves questions about their religion instead of just blindly accepting every word from the platform which is the first step.
Thirdly, i don't think it's fair to accuse Kpop of liking his own post and disliking every post that disagrees with him. If anyone likes his post they are naturally going to dislike all the other posts that disagree with it.